Dimensions of Grace
Zero-In on Grace
Embracing His grace to transform your relationship with Jesus
If you are a growing believer who needs foundational knowledge of the Bible, then you will not want to miss the Dimensions of Grace course. In this course, you will learn how grace is unmerited favor, the finished work of Jesus Christ, divine influence upon the heart, and God’s ability. As you begin to understand the purpose of grace, you will have a revolution in thought. We will equip you with an understanding of grace that will lead to effortless change and victory based not on your own ability, but the very ability of God at work in your life!
Renew Your Walk with the Father
Building Faith
The Body of Christ needs to know what it means to be "saved by Grace". We will bring clarity to the depths of grace. The revelations presented will connect the dots ever so simply and build your faith with the Word of God.
Understanding Grace
Grace is largely misunderstood by the church. Some people fall into the error of hyper-grace. Others drift into the error of legalism and a works-based approach to Christianity. Both are incorrect. This revelation will give you a better understanding.
Transforming Identity
The definitions of grace are worth studying. As you go through each session you will gain keys on grace to implement during your study time. This is an impactful teaching on grace that will tune your mindset.
Bonus material
Take a deeper dive into revelation with these resources
Course Manual
Download the course manual to reference topics form the video you may have missed. The content in this class provides such a multifaceted reality, that you will want to take some time to focus on the mechanics in this manual.
After each lesson, you will have untimed quizzes to put your learning to the test. Quizzes will help you to evaluate where you need more understanding and where you need to study more.
Class Audio
We provide an mp3 recording so that you can listen on the go or during a long commute. Several scriptures are referenced throughout the course. Giving more opportunities to repeat the lessons anytime.